Saturday, May 29, 2010

Orkut Testimonials part-II | Testimonials for orkut presented to you by mohanraaj

ѕσмєтιмєѕ ιи ℓιƒє ωє тнιик ωє ∂σи'т иєє∂ αиуσиє
вυт ѕσмєтιмє ωє ∂σи'т нανє αиуσиє ωнєи ωє คяє เภ иєє∂...

     @   @
    /█\   /█\ "ƒяιєи∂ѕ ƒσяєνєя"
    _!!_  _!!_  

 ѕσ ∂σи'т ℓєт уσυя вєѕт вυ∂∂ιєѕ Gσ єνєя...
 ╠══ﮨﯝჱﮨﯝﮨ.:═══════════════════ﮨﯝჱﮨﯝﮨ.:═══╣ Whn u luv sme1: i love u have a friend like 2 u be with me forever
`დ╮ ╰დ╮ ╰დ╮ ╭ დ╯ ╭დ╯ ╭დ╯
  ╰დ╮                                    ╭დ╯
   .╰დ╮                                 ╭დ╯
  ╰დ╮   If i could pull down the RAINBOW,    ╭დ╯
    ╰დ╮     i would write ur name on it and put         .╭დ╯
  ╰დ╮    back in the sky 2 let everybody know how        ╭დ╯
    ╰დ╮   COLORFUL my life is with a frd like u !!!     .╭დ╯
  ╰დ╮                 ╭დ╯
    ╰დ╮                ╭დ╯

       ╰დ╮ ╰დ╮ ╰დ╮     ╭ დ╯ ╭დ╯ ╭დ╯
         ╰დ╮ ╰დ╮ ╰დ╮  ╭დ╯ ╭დ
_۞------------To live a life i need heartbeat!------۞__
۞-----------2 have heartbeat i need a heart!------۞__
۞------------2 have heart i need happiness!--------۞__
۞------------to have happiness i need friend-------۞__
۞----------------------------And 4----------------------۞__
_۞------------------------A Friend -------------------۞___
__۞----------------------I need you----------------۞___
__________۞۞۞۞۞۞۞۞۞۞۞۞۞ ۞_______
When you feel sad and betrayed
Who can you count on every single day?
When you feel lost and alone
Who will be there for you in every way?

When you've made mistakes and bad decisions
Who can you count on to tell you you're wrong?
When you feel you can't go on
Who will be there with a feel-better song?

Look into your heart and you will find
That person you can trust is not far away.
Look deep into yourself, don't give up,
For if you do, it's yourself you'll betray.

When you're looking for answers
To all your questions and dreams,
There is one person you can count on,
It's impossible, I know, it seems.

But take a few moments to look deeper inside.
Look into your heart and there you will see.
You'll be surprised when you find out
That you've been looking at ME.
………||.^|=\\\ Beautiful
………))\_-_/ ((\ Intelligent
………)’_/.”.\_`\) Smart
……/./._.\…/…\ Sincere
….././(_ \x/_ ).| Kind
……\.\.)”.|.”(/./ Adorable
…….\.’…’.. //./ Ideal
……/………/./ Naughty
……|….__.\.\ Attractive
……|…/.\…\/ Sweet
……|..|…\.. \ Cute
……|..|…..\..\ Unique
……|..|……\..\ Loveable
……|..|…….\..\ Understanding
……|..|……..\..\ and very
……|..|………\..\ very


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